dilluns, 13 de febrer del 2017

THE  SNOWDROP   (Galanthus nivalis)

It is a beautiful plant of the Amaryllidaceae family that is among the first bulbs to bloom in spring, and we can see it willingly at the sides of brooks and in the Puigsacalm and Montseny beechwoods.

The cold temperature does not afraid it, and, as its own name says, we can often see it opening its lovely little white, green trimmed bells, in the middle of the snow.

It is a species widely spread in our geography in search of cool spots to grow at. It blooms beginning January at the lower lands, Estanys de Sils and Santa Coloma Stream. And as the season goes forward, the plant also spreads to bloom in upper regions. Now we have it here, carpeting the banks of the Riera Major and the Moianès ones.
Finally, it ends its blooming season at the sub-Alpine dwellings, and, beginning May, it is seen among the last snow clearings, at the Ripollès pla d'Anyella.

 A small jewel of the nature. Let's go to see it, photograph it, and allow it to get by till next year.

Pere Espinet
Translation: Teresa Rovira

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